Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reflecting on Where I Live

The most surprising fact I learned about Detroit from this course is its rich history and the achievements over the years. I always looked at Detroit as a ghetto and poor city that is filled with crime and poverty. I always looked at the negative side of it and criticized it. I never looked beyond the surface or deeper into its past. I always visualized it as a ruined area that was chaotic and miserable. However, in this course I learned the history of it and how prosperous it used to be. I learned all the significant landmarks in the city which I wasn't aware of many of them. I now feel amazed that the city is still pulling it through and is still able to hold important events, shows and festivals. I always looked at it from a negative perspective and I was blinded. I'm glad that I was taught all these and assessed a profound knowledge. I now acknowledge the other side of the city and this is insightful. I believe there is a lot others like me that look at Detroit as only a poor and derelict. I gained such negative views from media and the perceiving of abandoned or burnt down buildings.

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